

Hello and thank you for visiting my site! I’m Mihaela Limberea, a nature and wildlife photographer based in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Portrait of Mihaela Limberea

Despite a successful 20-year career at Microsoft, my heart always yearned for something more fulfilling. In 2020, I finally decided to follow my heart and pursue my deep passion for art and nature. I left the corporate world behind for good to dedicate myself to capturing the beauty of the natural world and its amazing wildlife. 

The site and the galleries are regularly updated, so please enjoy your visit and return soon!

Mihaela Limberea

If you’re contemplating a major change in your life, read my blog posts on how I resigned after 20 years at Microsoft to become an artist.

In a hurry? Read My Top Ten Blog Posts.

Bumblebee on marigold. Photo by Mihaela Limberea.

All photos on the site are taken by me unless otherwise stated.