The Map of Doom (say what?), Cal Newport on technology improving productivity, The Queen’s Gambit, and more in The Zone No. 9.

- It’s that time of the year bringing us the “Best Of“-lists; here are a few more. You can find other lists in the previous installments of the Zone here and here. Yep, mostly books. Of course. Books = Life.
- I wanted to single out The Best “Good News” Stories of the Year. It’s easy to forget the good things when enduring annus horribilis. Let’s hope 2021 will be annus mirabilis.
- The Map of Doom: A 20 minutes summary of all the threats to mankind, ranked. All right, apparently still on annus horibilis. Let’s move on to less gloomy subjects, shall we?
- Sarah Miller on the fatal flaw of the TV adaptation of “The Queen’s Gambit. I just bought the book so I can’t offer an opinion yet; I enjoyed the series so far. Bonus: A history of how chess became an allegory for society.
- Cal Newport on ASMR as immersive single tasking, applying technology to induce states of productive and rewarding concentration. I’m partial to the Hogwarts Library ASMR.

- Archaeologists discover eight miles of prehistoric rock art, “the Sistine Chapel of the Ancients” in the Amazonian rainforest, along the Guayabero River in the Colombian Amazon. The over 100,000 paintings were made around 12,500 years ago, and are likely to take researchers generations to record them.
- Artificial Blooms: Digital Botanics Showcase the Fractals, Tessellations, and Repetitive Features of the Natural World. Mesmerizing to watch.
- The Tom & Jerry movie is coming to theaters 2021. Yay! I grew up with Tom & Jerry cartoons, so I’m looking forward to it; the trailer looks promising.

- First Nobel Peace Prizes were awarded to Red Cross founder Jean Henri Dunant and peace activist Frederic Passy on December 10th, 1901. I would look forward to the Nobel Prize ceremonies (literature only, to be honest) and the usual book signing by the Nobel literature laureate in the NK department store every year. Alas, not this year. Everything is digital. Fingers crossed for next year. Hope dies last as they say.
A Quote I’m Pondering
Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. Every great idea I’ve ever had grew out of work itself.
Chuck Close
From My Photo Archives

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