Girls racing sheep (say what?), awesome photomicrography, Ed Ruscha’s Sunset Boulevard street view, and more in The Zone No. 6.

- Girls racing sheep in Aberystwyth, Wales, 1965. You’re welcome!

- I’ve always been fascinated by photomicrography, and this year’s Nikon Small World Photo Contest had several mind-blowing photos. The one above, by Justin Zoll, came in thirteenth place, but it’s my favorite.
- Vintage style covers of modern pop songs by Postmodern Jukebox on YouTube. Somebody That I Used To Know is a new favorite.
- The Chicago Public Library eliminated late fees for overdue books in October 2019, and the results are unexpected.
- Emojipedia. Why didn’t anyone tell me this existed? Here’s a list of all new Apple emoji released on November 5th.
- A book I put on my Christmas wish list: The Visual Miscellaneum: A Colorful Guide to the World’s Most Consequential Trivia by David McCandless. It combines interesting information (I love reference books) with beautiful illustrations (I love illustrations)—the perfect gift, in other words.
- Historic Photography Trick: Watch the Birdie!
- Tomorrow we celebrate Absurdity Day. It seems only fitting.
- Happy Birthday, Jodie Foster!
A Quote I’m Pondering
Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.
Miles Davis (1926 – 1991)
From My Photo Archives

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